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USGS Grant Opportunities: 104g General, and PFAS

The following grant opportunities are available with proposal submission through the WRC.

WRRA National Competitive Grant Program FY2023 (104g) General:
Applications due April 19, 2023 please submit an email of intent two weeks prior, April 5, 2023 to  Max award $310K.  Priorities this year include research on (a) legacy nutrients, (b) integrated water processes, and (c) water conflict.

WRRA National Competitive Grant Program FY2023 for Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS):
Applications due April 19, 2023 please submit an email of intent two weeks prior, April 5, 2023 to   Max award $279K.

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WRC Leads a 5-year Research Effort for Improving Water Use Efficiency

A new 5 million dollar, five-year project led by the WRC and funded by the USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative’s Water for Food Production Systems Challenge Area will be working to identify promising emerging technologies and synergistic policies to improve technical and allocative water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture.

The research team, which includes scientists at the University of Idaho, University of Washington, Kansas State University, University of Utah, Mammoth Trading, Aspect Consulting, and a diverse group of water users and stakeholders in the Columbia River Basin.

Jonathan YoderThe project will focus on how seasonal water availability forecasting,  satellite-based consumptive use monitoring, and computer-based smart market technology can be used in conjunction with changes in water use and water transfer rules to improve water use.  “This exciting project will help find ways to improve water use efficiency in agriculture, by focusing on how technology, water rights and regulation work together to make the most of available water for all of its social and environmental values,” said Jonathan Yoder, Lead Investigator and Director of the WRC.

For more, visit the WRC’s webpage for this project, and the WSU press release.

FY 2018 WRC National Competitive Grants Program Call for Proposals

Deadline: Feb 15, 2018
Proposals are sought on the topic of improving and enhancing the nation’s water supply, including evaluation of innovative approaches to water treatment, infrastructure design, retrofitting, maintenance, management, and replacement; exploration and advancement of our understanding of changes in the quantity and quality of water resources in response to a changing climate, population shifts, and land use changes; development of methods for better estimation of water supply, both surface and groundwater, including estimation of the physical supply and of the economic supply of water; development and evaluation of processes and governance mechanisms for integrated surface/ground water management; and the evaluation and assessment of conservation practices. For more information and to apply.

CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSIONS: 2018 Annual Water Resources Conference

Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) and National Institutes of Water Resources (NIWR)
2018 Annual Water Resources Conference
June 26-28, 2018 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


The Conference Planning Committee invites you to propose a Special Session for the conference. A special session organizers’ role is to propose a relevant and timely topic, recruit speakers to submit abstracts to the session, and moderate the session during the June 2018 Conference. Special sessions can be in the form of a panel discussion, a group of 4 or more oral presentations on a specific topic, or a group of lightning (5 minute) talks followed by group discussion. Multiple session track proposals are welcome. Those interested in organizing and hosting a special session should provide
the following information:

• Title of proposed special session
• A brief description (less than 350 words) stating the importance of the topic and the rationale for the proposed session
• Organizer(s), including contact information
• Type of proposed session(s): panel discussion, full length talks (20 min), or lightning talks (5 min) followed by discussion
• A draft list of presenters (to submit abstracts via the general call for abstracts) and their tentative titles.

The above information should be submitted directly to the Conference Chair, Kevin McGuire (, and Technical Program Chair, Bryan Swistock (, no later than September 22, 2017.

Proposals for Special Sessions will be evaluated by the Conference Planning Committee based on the timeliness and relevance of the topic, and the degree to which the topic will bring together key researchers, educators, and practitioners to disseminate recent advances to the water resources community.
Abstracts submitted for an accepted Special Session will be subject to the same submittal and review process as all other abstracts. Proposed special sessions with less than 4 presenters may be filled with talks from the general call for abstracts. However, we encourage special session organizers to propose complete sessions, divisible by units of 4.

Important Dates
Proposal for special sessions due: September 22, 2017
Notification of special session acceptance: October 6, 2017
General call for abstracts issued: October 2017
Abstracts due: January 22, 2018
Notification of abstract acceptance: Late February 2018
General questions about the 2018 UCOWR/NIWR Conference can be directed to Karl Williard (, Executive Director of UCOWR, or Staci Eakins (, Administrative Assistant, UCOWR.
Want to learn more about UCOWR? Visit our website.

2017 Outreach Program Request for Proposals (RFP)

The COMET® Program announces its 2017 Outreach Program Request for Proposals (RFP) for NWS/Office of Water Prediction/National Water Center (NWC) Cooperative and Partners Projects:

• NWC Cooperative Projects: COMET anticipates awarding two-four competitively reviewed, 1-2-year projects, each with a budget maximum of $40,000. The deadline for submission of a preliminary synopsis is October 2, 2017, with the final proposal due December 15, 2017. For more information, please see NWC Cooperative Projects RFP and the guidelines for NWC Cooperative Project proposal submissions.
• NWC Partners Projects: COMET is currently accepting 1-year NWC Partners proposals (budgets limited to $15,000). Proposals will be reviewed as received, and approved submissions will be funded until program resources are expended. For more information, please see NWC RFP Details. It is anticipated that up to six projects will be awarded. For details on these projects, see NWC Partners Proposals.

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Regional Host Institution

Program: Sustainable Agriculture Program
Closing Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017
The purpose of the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program is to encourage research and outreach designed to increase knowledge concerning agricultural production systems that:
1.maintain and enhance the quality and productivity of the soil;
2.conserve soil, water, energy, natural resources, and fish and wildlife habitat;
3.maintain and enhance the quality of surface and ground water;
4.protect the health and safety of persons involved in the food and farm system;
5.promote the well-being of animals; and
6.increase employment opportunities in agriculture (7 U.S.C. 5801 and 5811).
For more information