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“‘Smart’ water markets for agriculture: Innovation on the High Plains, and prospects for Washington State” Seminar

WRC and CEREO are pleased to sponsor a seminar by Nick Brozovic and Richael Young

Wednesday, 16, December 2015
Lighty 405, 12:00pm
WSU Pullman

Nicholas Brozovic is an economist with extensive experience in water policy and management worldwide. His research focuses on using economic analysis to evaluate and design management policies for spatial, dynamic natural resource systems. Much of his work is interdisciplinary and involves collaborations with engineers, urban planners and others. He is currently working to establish functioning resource markets, such as groundwater markets, that can be used as research and teaching platforms and as models of sustainability for industry. Brozovic joined the Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska in July 2014. In addition to teaching, he works to ensure that the Water for Food Institute’s scientific and policy research effectively informs both policy and decision makers. Previously, Brozovic was an associate professor of agriculture and consumer economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Brozovoc holds doctoral and master’s degrees in agricultural and resource economics from the University of California-Berkley, a master’s degree in geology from the University of Southern California and a bachelor’s degree in geology from Oxford University.

Richael Young specializes in market design for the exchange of natural resource rights. As an economist, engineer, and entrepreneur, she brings together complementary skillsets for natural resources management and policy. She strives to create tailored solutions that meet local needs and economic goals. In 2014, Richael cofounded Mammoth Trading, where she serves as president. In this capacity, Richael led the development and implementation of the first smart market for groundwater in the world. Mammoth Trading’s smart markets help producers put limited water to its most productive uses, all while meeting stream flow and regulatory obligations. Richael holds a B.S. in civil and environmental engineering and an M.S. in agricultural and applied economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.