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“Water Management Strategies for Addressing Long-Term Drought and Climate Uncertainty”: Conference and opportunity for student travel award

The goal of this conference is to provide information on management tools and approaches that can improve water managers’ ability to cope with increased variability of drought and flooding.

•The conference will bring together academics; federal, state and local agency personnel; and water users, water district managers and other practitioners.
•Poster session on evening of October 28. Submission form on registration website or below.
•Limited travel assistance for students. Student travel award opportunity, see registration website or below for application and deadlines.
•$50 registration fee includes meals.

October 28-29, 2015
Radisson Hotel, SLC downtown
Salt Lake City, Utah

For more information:
Conference Announcement_August28
Grad Travel Award application
CallForPosters_Aug 28

Water Smart Innovations Conference and Travel Scholarship Opportunity

Apply to WIN !!    
Travel scholarship for a WSU graduate student (Masters or PhD)
Deadline to submit to WRC: Sept 2, 2015.

Submit a one page proposal of  research that you are doing or are interested in doing in the areas of water demand management, water supply, and water conservation.  WRC will select the winner among the applicants.    The winner wins a graduate student scholarship to attend the WaterSmart Innovations (WSI) Conference 2015 in Las Vegas, October 7 – 9, 2015

The scholarship includes:

  1. full conference registration,
  2. registration for one pre-conference workshop or post-conference technical tour ,
  3. three nights lodging at the conference hotel and
  4. up to $500 reimbursement for round trip coach airfare.

Recipients will be reimbursed for travel by check upon arrival. The maximum value of the scholarship is $1200.