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Earth Lab is hiring 7 new Post-Doctoral Research Scholars

Earth Lab is a new initiative launched in September 2015 by the University of Colorado-Boulder as part of the campus-wide Grand Challenge effort called “Our Space. Our Future.” Earth Lab’s mission is to harness the wave of Earth observations from space and integrate them to answer outstanding questions about the pace and pattern of environmental change, from our backyards to our world.   Post-Doctoral Research Scholars: Application DEADLINE EXTENDED to February 18, 2016

SEE FULL AD HERE:!.html TO APPLY, please go to the CU Careers website ( You can access the online application by searching for the posting # 03473, or you can go to this link directly: For general inquiries regarding Earth Lab jobs, please contact Chelsea Nagy at: Rachel.Nagy@Colorado.EDU

Call for Posters: BioEarth All-Hand Meeting due Feb 12.

Climate, Land Use, Agriculture and Natural Resources:
Activities in Interdisciplinary Research, Education and Outreach 3:00-5:30pm on Thursday, Feb 25, 2016
Location: PACCAR Town Square (2001 Grimes Way)
Pullman Campus, Washington State University, Pullman, WA

Submission Details
Abstract submission deadline: Friday, February 12
E-mail abstracts to: Jacqueline McCabe,
Poster Size Restrictions: horizontal dimension of 48 in

Data Flow Conference Registration is now open!


Monday, May 09, 2016-Tuesday, May 10, 2016
LSU Lod Cook Conference Center 3838 W Lakeshore Drive Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70808 #dataflow16

Visit to register for Data Flow 2016! STUDENT REGISTRATION SCHOLARSHIPS Louisiana Sea Grant is sponsoring registration scholarships for student presenters. Stay tuned for more information!
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to Monday, February 1, 2016.
Download the Call for Abstracts


Call for Abstracts: 2016 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference, June 21-23, 2016

The USGS Institute and NOAA Sea Grant Programs will be hosting a special session at the 2016 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference, June 21-23, 2016 at the Hilton Pensacola Beach Hotel in Pensacola Beach, Florida.

Special Session
Sea Grant College Programs and Water Resources Research Institutes: Research and Partnerships Investigating Land-Sea Interface

NOAA Sea Grant College Program (Sea Grant) and the USGS Water Resources Research Institutes (WRRI) through the National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR) are both Federal-State partnerships federally mandated to address the Nation’s oceans, coastal, Great Lakes, and water resources issues. Sea Grant is working on integrated research, education and outreach including water issues to assist coastal communities. The Institutes focus research and student training to address water issues related to resource availability, infrastructure and ecosystem services in watersheds. These programs intersect at the land-sea interface and in some locations over entire watersheds, but no coordinated effort to explore and exploit synergistic capacity between the Federal Agencies has occurred to date. Focusing on the significant aspect of the connection between coastal waters and the fresh water inputs they receive, we welcome submissions demonstrating the intersecting foci described above and/or where Sea Grant and NIWR have partnered on research, education and/or outreach efforts.

Earl Greene, USGS, Chief of External Research,
Darren Lerner, University of Hawaii, Director, Sea Grant College Program and Interim Director, Water Resources Research Center,
For more information