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WSU water researchers: Would you like a funded trip to attend a water symposium in Alexandria, Egypt?

Nile, Water, Egypt


WSU water researchers,

You may have heard that the state of Washington Water Research Center is a collaborator on behalf of WSU in a USAID project to develop the Egyptian Center of Excellence for Water, now named the Alexandria Water Resilience Center of Excellence.  Julie Padowski (SoE, CEREO, WRC) and I are leading this effort.

WSU water faculty and students (you!) have two opportunities by virtue of WSU’s involvement in this project.  These include: 

1) An upcoming call for proposals for research funding available only to US faculty (and their students) of consortium members (including WSU). Proposal awards are for up to $500,000 and Egyptian-US partnerships are a requirement for these funding programs.   We will send the call for proposals when it is released (expect sometime this Fall 2022). 

2) The AWR-COE is hosting The Alexandria University International Water Symposium: Sustainable Water Solutions.  This is coming up soon — September 6-7, 2022.  The draft agenda is here.  We have funding to send one (perhaps two) representatives from WSU to this symposium. All travel and lodging would be paid.  While you will not have an opportunity to give a formal presentation at the symposium, this would be an excellent opportunity to meet Egyptian water researchers who could become collaborators on upcoming COE funded research.   

Please contact me at soon If you are potentially interested in attending this symposium in Alexandria, Egypt next month.  Note that funding is not guaranteed for any given individual, especially if we receive several interested faculty.

Columbia River Basin Long-Term Water Supply and Demand Forecast Delivered to Ecology

Data Access Website

Every five years, the WRC works with the Washington State Department of Ecology and researchers from WSU and other universities to produce a Columbia River Basin Long-Term Water Supply & Demand Forecast.  The 2021 forecast was released on August 1 2022.  The WSU press release is available here.  For more information including an Executive Summary, the full technical report (due out in late August), and a data repository, visit the WRC CRB Long-Term Water Supply and Demand Forecast Project page.