COMPASS: Intro to Science Communication Workshop
jacquemApril 3, 2019
8:30 am – 12:30 pm
ATLAS Workbase, 500 Mercer ST, Seattle WA.
Join us for a lively half-day workshop, with plenty of research-grounded insight and
hands-on practice in science communication! We’ll begin with an introduction to
the Message Box, a powerful tool for sorting your thoughts into messages that are
clear and compelling, then practice sharing those messages and giving and receiving
feedback with the other participants. Participants will receive a copy of Escape from
the Ivory Tower by Nancy Baron, and a hard copy of the Message Box Workbook.
Register on our website before March 3rd for Early Bird Pricing! $250
Full Price: $325
Learn more about COMPASS at There will be a limited number
of full scholarships available, applicaCons due Feb. 24; more informaCon on how to
apply is available at