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Seminar: Write Winning Grant Proposals

Wednesday, October 19, 2016, University Inn, Best Western, Moscow
Check-In 8:00 – 8:30 a.m., Seminar 8:30 am – 4:30 p.m.

Presented by Peg AtKisson, Ph.D.

This seminar is a prerequisite for the follow-up workshop, Mentored Proposal Writing Workshop Series: Write and Submit a Competitive Grant Application. At the conclusion of the Write Winning Grant Proposals Seminar, tenured or tenure-track faculty may apply to enter this workshop.

In the Mentored Proposal Writing Series, selected faculty work one-on-one with Dr. AtKisson on their proposal from first steps through submission. This interactive opportunity lasts 26 weeks, during which Dr. AtKisson works individually with participants as they develop their proposals. For more information and testimonials on the Mentored Proposal Writing Workshop Series contact Becky James.

Cost: $95 + workbooks, Required workbooks: $75

(includes lunch and handouts)

To Register: Go to Deadline: Oct 12, 2016


2016 Palouse Basin Water Summit

Come to the twelfth annual Palouse Basin Water Summit from 4:30 to 8:00 pm on Wednesday, October 5, at the Schweitzer Event Center in Pullman, WA.

The 2016 Summit – our annual community dialogue about our local water resources – will feature the internationally acclaimed environmentalist Maude Barlow and her recent book, Blue Future: Protecting Water for People and the Planet Forever – a powerful, penetrating, and timely look at the looming global water crisis, and what we can do to prevent it. “The coming grab for the planet’s dwindling resources is the defining issue of our time. Water is not a resource put here for our convenience, pleasure and profit but the source of all life. It is urgent that we clarify the values and principles needed to protect the planet’s fresh water,” notes Barlow.

Be challenged by great presentations from local water experts, area youth and our annual State of the Basin report. The event is free and open to all community-minded Palouse area residents. Additionally, we will draw names for some fabulous prizes, including a low-flow toilet and a $1,000 wisescapingR yard makeover!


PhD Student Opportunity in Hydrology, Washington State University

Three years of funding is available for a student to study cryospheric processes in High Mountain Asia and downstream impacts of cryospheric change, including impacts on groundwater, ecosystems, and agriculture. In addition to studying the role of groundwater in High Mountain Asia, the student will also contribute to remote sensing processing efforts specific to the GRACE satellite mission. This project is supported by NASA to develop an integrated assessment tool for High Mountain Asia. Competitive applicants will have modeling and programming experience, especially applied to hydrologic sciences, groundwater and/or Earth system processes. Preference will be given to applicants with a Master’s degree. The position will begin at Washington State University in Pullman, WA in January 2017. Interested students should contact for more information.

More Information