Seminar: Write Winning Grant Proposals
jacquemWednesday, October 19, 2016, University Inn, Best Western, Moscow
Check-In 8:00 – 8:30 a.m., Seminar 8:30 am – 4:30 p.m.
Presented by Peg AtKisson, Ph.D.
This seminar is a prerequisite for the follow-up workshop, Mentored Proposal Writing Workshop Series: Write and Submit a Competitive Grant Application. At the conclusion of the Write Winning Grant Proposals Seminar, tenured or tenure-track faculty may apply to enter this workshop.
In the Mentored Proposal Writing Series, selected faculty work one-on-one with Dr. AtKisson on their proposal from first steps through submission. This interactive opportunity lasts 26 weeks, during which Dr. AtKisson works individually with participants as they develop their proposals. For more information and testimonials on the Mentored Proposal Writing Workshop Series contact Becky James.
Cost: $95 + workbooks, Required workbooks: $75
(includes lunch and handouts)
To Register: Go to Deadline: Oct 12, 2016