The State of Washington Water Research Center (WRC) is soliciting research proposals for submission under Section 104(b) of the Water Resources Research Act. The objectives of this program are to sponsor research that fosters (a) exploration of new ideas to address water problems or expand understanding of water-related phenomena, (b) entry, education, and training of future scientists in water resource fields, (c) multidisciplinary research, and (d) dissemination of research results to academic and non-academic audiences.

Any proposal to advance scientific understanding of water resources and/or their management in the State of Washington will be considered, but priority will be given to integrative proposals that initiate new multidisciplinary collaboration or that will have a high likelihood of leading to multidisciplinary research efforts. Preference will be also given to early-career investigators, and proposals that support graduate student thesis and dissertation research. The review panel will be interdisciplinary and it would be beneficial to reflect this in your writing. Evidence of stakeholder support should be provided in the form of letters. Proposals addressing the following priority topics will be given preference:

1. Climate change effects on water supply, demand, and quality.
2. Analysis of policy and law relating to water resource management.
3. Fate and transport of nutrients and emerging contaminants in the environment.
4. Remote sensing of hydrologic systems and/or water use.
5. Applied science and solutions for addressing groundwater decline.
6. Surface-groundwater interactions and conjunctive use management.

We anticipate funding two or more proposals at up to $30,000 each ($10,000 minimum). Research expectations will be commensurate with funding request. The cost-share requirement is 2:1 ($20,000 and $60,000 depending on funding request) from non­federal sources, which can be satisfied with overhead, faculty time/salary, and cash match. Funding is contingent upon congressional allocation and release of FY2021 program funds. Grant duration will be Mar. 1, 2021 to Feb. 28, 2022. A project report will be due April 15, 2021.

Proposal submission deadline: November 22, 2020, 5:00 p.m. Funding decisions will be announced by December 11 2020.


  1. Eligible: Faculty members or affiliates at institutions of higher education in the State of Washington.
  2. Ineligible: Applications for research on health effects involving human subjects.
  3. Ineligible: Applications for research involving oceanography (estuarine research applications are acceptable).

Updated proposal guidelines and worksheets:

We encourage you to work closely with us from the beginning if you intend to submit a proposal. Please contact Jacqueline McCabe at, (509) 335-5531 or Jonathan Yoder at, (509)-335-8596 with questions.