AWRA-WA presents:

The Four Corners of Washington – Water Resource Changes and Adaptations

Thursday, September 28th, 2023

Mountaineers Seattle Program Center
7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA


The conference will highlight water challenges throughout the four corners of Washington State and the innovative ways that individuals are dealing with those issues. The conference will feature speakers from each of the four corners of Washington with varying perspectives, including agriculture, government, and tribal nations. Speakers will cover topics including municipal water law, adjudication, fish reintroduction, the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan, and climate change. The conference will start with an address from the keynote speaker, Derek Sandison, who is the director of the Washington State Department of Agriculture. Following Derek Sandison’s address there will be four separate panels, one dedicated to each corner of Washington. The last session will focus on more overarching, or non-region-specific changes and adaptations.

Conference details are available at the American Water Resources Association Washington Section website.