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Foundations of Community Engagement

Not sure where to start with community engagement? Join staff from the WSU Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) to learn the basics, including how to identify and develop mutually beneficial relationships with community partners. The CCE maintains a database of 1000 community partners affiliated with Washington State University and can provide guidance in collaborating with […]

Palouse Basin Water Summit

Please join us for the 20th  Annual Palouse Basin Water Summit on Thursday, October 26th from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the SEL Event Center.  Erica Gies is  an  award-winning  independent  journalist  who  writes  about  water,  climate  change,  plants  and  critters.  Erica  will be featured at the 20th  Annual Palouse Basin Water Summit.

AWRA 2023 Annual Water Resources Conference

Raleigh, NC

AWRA provides you with innovative, practical, and applied water resource management solutions, management techniques, and current research.

Workshop with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Reactive Transport with Sophisticated Reaction Networks: Hands-On Experience with the PFLOTRAN Reaction SandboxCUAHSI is excited to collaborate with PNNL on this new short course!Gain training in using reactive transport modeling to resolve environmental problemsDates: Monday, Nov 6 - Thursday, Nov 9, 2023Location: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WAInstructors: Glenn Hammond, Pacific Northwest National Laboratories Xingyuan […]

Preparing for Tribal Engagement in Research

Genuine tribal engagement and collaborative research with Tribal partners requires preparation. This includes familiarizing oneself with the academic literature on Indigenous Research Methods, with existing work and tribal needs, with tribal and university research policies, and more. Dr. Ken Lokensgard, Co-Director of the Center for Native American Research & Collaborations (Native American Programs/Tribal Relations) will […]

Navigating Academic Waters Series

Developing Effective Mentoring Relationships – Part I: Panel Webinar NOV 9, 2023 / 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST   Mentorship is crucial for success in academic and non-academic professions, but it is frequently non-prioritized as a professional development strategy. This webinar provides tools allowing ECRs to overcome these mentorship gaps through a panel discussion […]

Assessing Wetland Functions and Values with Applications to the Voluntary Stewardship Program

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 @ 1-4 pm Facilitator: Levi Keesecker, Natural Resource Scientist, WSCC Presenters: Amy Yahnke, Washington Dept. of Ecology;Connor Racette, Washington Dept. of Ecology; Rick Mraz, Washington Dept. of Ecology; Rachel Maggi, Natural Resources Conservation Service; Jacob Taylor, Spokane Conservation District; Matt Stevenson, CORE GIS; Meghan Halabisky, University of Washington Demonstrating the effects […]

Water Science Conference (WaterSciCon) Abstract Submission Opens

Abstract Submission Opens The Water Science Conference (WaterSciCon) brings the water community together every two years to share research, collaborate, and plan for the future. WaterSciCon 2024 will be held the week of 23 June 2024 in St. Paul, Minnesota. WaterSciCon advances hydrology and related global convergent science issues and helps address and expose local […]

Navigating Academic Waters Series

Developing Effective Mentoring Relationships – Part II: Co-Working Meeting NOV 16, 2023 / 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST   This co-working meeting is the follow-up to the, Developing Effective Mentoring Relationships - Part I, panel discussion webinar that took place on November 9, 2023. This interactive meeting will empower participants to actively develop their […]

Walla Walla Basin Watershed Strategy Open House

Whitman College ǀ Reid Campus Center – Young Ballroom

Open House Objectives: Build public awareness and understanding of water and watershed issues in the Walla Walla Basin Connect attendees’ personal experiences of water in the Basin to overarching concepts of water scarcity, long-term watershed goals, and restoration efforts Share updates on projects and progress made on water issues in the Walla Walla Basin Learn […]