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Rethinking Water Markets for Multiple Benefits

The Water Science and Technology Board and the Board on Earth Sciences and Resources will be holding their joint meeting, “Rethinking Water Markets for Multiple Benefits,” on November 30, 2023. […]

Puget Sound Partnership Science Panel Meeting

The Puget Sound Partnership Science Panel will meet online on Wednesday, December 6, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. They will be providing an all-virtual livestream of this meeting, through the […]

AGU Annual Meeting 2023

Each year, AGU’s annual meeting convenes >25,000 attendees from 100+ countries to share research and connect with friends and colleagues. Scientists, educators, policymakers, journalists and communicators attend AGU23 to better understand […]

Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) Identifying and prioritizing erosion hot spots in the Palouse

Washington State Conservation Commission

This virtual session will showcase approaches to identifying critical sources of erosion in agricultural areas. Ryan Boylan will demonstrate how the project was developed as well as applications to watershed-scale monitoring and VSP. The second portion of this session will provide updates on various projects, programs, and data sets that relate to VSP monitoring.

CV ReWorkshop: Updating Your CV to Contextualize Your Contributions in Societally Engaged Work

Are you a researcher engaging with non-academic partners to develop science that meets real-world needs? If so, you may have noticed that the traditional format of scientific CVs, focused on comprehensive lists of publications and presentations, makes it challenging to convey the distinct skills, activities and products associated with your societally engaged research. So how […]

WDFW Riparian Analysis Workshop

You are invited to join a virtual workshop about a riparian analysis data platform currently being developed by WDFW. The riparian data platform will unify input data streams to allow for aggregation and comparison across resources and spatial extents, providing the capability to answer questions about where riparian vegetation exists and where it is needed […]

WaterSciCon Abstract Submission Closes

The Water Science Conference (WaterSciCon) brings the water community together every two years to share research, collaborate, and plan for the future. WaterSciCon 2024 will be held the week of 23 June 2024 in St. Paul, Minnesota. WaterSciCon advances hydrology and related global convergent science issues and helps address and expose local and regional issues […]

Western Snow Conference Abstract Submission Due

You are invited to submit an abstract of 150 – 300 words for either oral or poster presentation by February 1, 2024.  The theme for the Conference is “Watersheds to Estuaries”, but all snow-related research in the context of measurements, modeling, and water supply are welcome.  In order to encourage participation in the Conference, all […]

Building Tribal-Academic Partnerships to Protect Pacific Salmon from Toxic Urban Stormwater


Stephanie Blair and her Advisor, Dr. Jenifer McIntyre, have been investigating the toxicity of urban stormwater, particularly the tire chemical 6PPD-Quinone, to Pacific Salmon. Stephanie will discuss how this chemical affects Coho and Chinook salmon. She will also touch on her collaborative work on the issue. Learn more and register for this free event

2024 Pacific Northwest Ground Water Exposition

Vancouver, WA

In the late 1950s, members of the water well industry came together to create a trade show specifically for the Pacific Northwest. As the event grew in popularity, the Pacific Northwest Ground Water Association (PNWGWA) was officially formed with representation from the Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington state associations. The PNWGWA’s goal is to provide […]