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2024 Pacific Northwest Ground Water Exposition

Vancouver, WA

In the late 1950s, members of the water well industry came together to create a trade show specifically for the Pacific Northwest. As the event grew in popularity, the Pacific Northwest Ground Water Association (PNWGWA) was officially formed with representation from the Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington state associations. The PNWGWA’s goal is to provide […]

Northwest Groundwater Conference 

Pasco, WA

Pasco, WA - March 18 & 19, 2024 The American Ground Water Trust conference is an information-exchange and networking opportunity for water agencies, utilities and water districts, water professionals (scientific, engineering, managerial, legal, environmental, and regulatory), water operators, industrial and irrigation end-users of water, local and state elected officials and academics with an interest in […]

Using Drone-based Technologies to Map Stream Characteristics and Salmon Spawning Habitat


Dr. Fremier and Co-PI Daniel Auerbach developed drone-based technologies to measure stream velocity, temperature, and morphology.  These measurements help identify and quantify salmon spawning habitat and offer new methodologies for environmental monitoring.  Dr. Fremier will share the details of their study and work with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in the Wenatchee River. […]

AWRA 2024 Geospatial Water Technology Conference (GWTC)

Orlando, FL

Data to Decisions: Managing and Modeling Water Challenges MARCH 25-27, 2024 | ORLANDO, FL   Join us for the AWRA 2024 Geospatial Water Technology Conference! This conference is designed to highlight existing and new geospatial and technological tools to solve water resources-related problems.

AWRA 2024 Spring Conference

Tuscaloosa, AL

Water Risk and Resilience: Research and Sustainable Solutions APRIL 8-10, 2024 | Tuscaloosa, AL   The AWRA 2024 Spring Specialty Conference, co-hosted by the AWRA Future Risk Committee and the Alabama Water Institute. The theme for the conference is "Water Risk and Resilience: Research and Sustainable Solutions".

Integrating Agricultural Water Use into Climate Change Impact Assessments


Dr. Rajagopalan and her research team worked to advance the climate change impacts assessment model, CropSyst, by integrating agricultural water use associated with managing extreme weather events (e.g., watering to control sunburn in apples) into modeling.  The work helps provide a more accurate picture of water demand during extreme temperatures and increases understanding of how […]

91st Annual Western Snow Conference

Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon

Please plan to join the 91st Annual Meeting of the Western Snow Conference. The 2024 Meeting will be held on the campus of Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon April 22-25, 2024. In addition to the in-person conference meeting, a virtual attendance option is being planned to allow for broader participation. You are invited to […]

Washington Hydrogeology Symposium

Muckleshoot Casino Resort, Auburn, WA

Symposium Goals Enhance the scientific understanding of Pacific Northwest hydrogeology and water resources focusing on the occurrence, movement, and quality of groundwater and surface water. Facilitate interaction among government agencies, tribes, academia, consultants, businesses, and environmental scientists. Foster research and technology development for public benefit. Participants enjoy the opportunity to build professional relationships and network with […]

Walking Rivers

Meet at the Bill Chipman Palouse Trail on on May 11th at 10:00 am.    Let’s celebrate the rivers of the Palouse! The Rivers, Watersheds, and Communities Club at WSU, in collaboration with the Water Research Center, is hosting our first Walking Rivers event. A day #WalkingRivers is a global event to recognize and celebrate […]

OSU Clean Water Showcase

MAY 21, 2024 Dean's Distinguished Lecture Mark Bransom Chief Executive Officer, Klamath River Renewal Corporation Hear from Mark Bransom, Chief Executive Officer of the Klamath River Renewal Corporation, about the cooperative effort to re-establish the natural vitality of the Klamath River so that it can support all communities in the Klamath basin. Mark will detail […]